.::: How To Enable VNCserver on Solaris 10 :::.

.::: How To Enable VNCserver on Solaris 10 :::.

Thursday, February 28, 2013, February 28, 2013
Open Systems have traditionally been accessed via Command Line. MIT create a fully object oriented, multi-tiered, open source windowing system called X Windows, which was quickly adopted by nearly all computing industry players. While X Windows is well suited for local area network technology, the need for wide area network technology was addressed through several different attempts, such as X11R6 "Broadway" and proxies leveraging compression. A lighter WAN suitable screen display protocol, referred to as Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is also commonly used for X displays.
bagaimana cara mensetting vncserver di solaris 10

Solaris 10 was shipped with a basic VNC service mostly configured. This is the procedure to enable it.

1. Login to Solaris using VNCViewer before enable vncserver & error login "connect: Connection refused(10061)"

2. Find VNC Service
root@teguht # svcs -a | grep -i vnc

disabled       14:23:18 svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht #

3. Add service vnc-server port 5900/tcp on # /etc/services & save as (:wq!)

root@teguht # vi /etc/services

"/etc/services" [Read only] 135 lines, 4602 characters


# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.



vnc-server      5900/tcp

"/etc/services" 136 lines, 4627 characters

root@teguht #

4. Check vnc-server port 5900/tcp on # /etc/services after change
root@teguht # more /etc/services | grep vnc

vnc-server      5900/tcp

root@teguht #

5. Enable vnc service
root@teguht # svcadm enable -s xvnc-inetd


root@teguht # svcadm enable svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

6. Find VNC Service after enable vncserver & add Service on # /etc/system
root@teguht # svcs -a | grep -i vnc

online         14:40:41 svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht #

7. Login to Solaris using VNCViewer after enable vncserver

Optional Config

8. Note, the gnu display manager is not customized yet, and needs correction
root@teguht #   ls -al /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf

/etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf: No such file or directory

root@teguht #

9. Enable and configure gnu display manager for vnc
root@teguht # cat >/etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf <<!

root@teguht > [xdmcp]

root@teguht > Enable=true

root@teguht > [security]

root@teguht > DisallowTCP=false

root@teguht > AllowRoot=true

root@teguht > AllowRemoteRoot=true

root@teguht > !

root@teguht # cat /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf







root@teguht #

9. Check the customization configuration file
root@teguht #   ls -al /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf

-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          85 Mar  1 14:53 /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf

root@teguht #

10. Re-enable and validate the vnc service
root@teguht # svcs -a | grep -i vnc

online         15:03:38 svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht # svcadm disable svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht # svcs -a | grep -i vnc

disabled       15:04:25 svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht # svcadm enable svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht # svcs -a | grep -i vnc

online         15:04:35 svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

root@teguht #
