.::: How to Install Solaris Packages, Patches & Install Bundle Recommended Patches 10_x86_Recommended.zip in Oracle Solaris 10(Ext Sun Solaris 10) Example SUNWi15cs, SUNWi1cs :::.

.::: How to Install Solaris Packages, Patches & Install Bundle Recommended Patches 10_x86_Recommended.zip in Oracle Solaris 10(Ext Sun Solaris 10) Example SUNWi15cs, SUNWi1cs :::.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012, June 26, 2012
Bagaimana Cara Install Solaris Packages, Patches & Install Bundle Recommended Patches 10_x86_Recommended.zip in Oracle Solaris 10(Ext Sun Solaris 10) 

1. Install Additional Solaris packages required

== Check Status Packages before Patch ==
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi15cs SUNQi1cs
ERROR: information for "SUNWi15cs" was not found
ERROR: information for "SUNQi1cs" was not found
root@teguht #

== Alternative 1 = Install packages Solaris ==
root@teguht #pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_10/Product SUNWi15cs

Processing package instance <SUNWi15cs> from </cdrom/sol_10_910_x86/Solaris_10/Product>

X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support(i386) 2.0,REV=2004.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   6 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <SUNWi15cs> [y,n,?] y

Installing X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support as <SUNWi15cs>

## Installing part 1 of 1.
1460 blocks

Installation of <SUNWi15cs> was successful.
root@teguht #

== Alternative 2 = Install packages Solaris ==

root@teguht #cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_10/Product/
root@teguht #pkgadd -d. SUNWi1cs

Processing package instance <SUNWi1cs> from </cdrom/sol_10_910_x86/Solaris_10/Product>

X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support(i386) 2.0,REV=2004.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   8 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <SUNWi1cs> [y,n,?] y

Installing X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support as <SUNWi1cs>

## Installing part 1 of 1.
232 blocks

Installation of <SUNWi1cs> was successful.

== Check Status Packages After Patch ==

root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi15cs
system      SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support

root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi1cs
system      SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support

root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi15cs SUNWi1cs
system      SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
system      SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support

root@teguht #pkgchk SUNWi15cs
root@teguht #pkginfo -l  SUNWi15cs

   PKGINST:  SUNWi15cs
      NAME:  X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
  CATEGORY:  system
      ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  2.0,REV=2004.
   BASEDIR:  /
    VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      DESC:  X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
    PSTAMP:  ocelot920508173207
  INSTDATE:  Jun 08 2012 07:14
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:       21 installed pathnames
                   6 shared pathnames
                  11 directories
                   1 executables
                1462 blocks used (approx)

root@teguht #
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi1cs
system      SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
root@teguht #pkginfo -l SUNWi1cs
      NAME:  X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
  CATEGORY:  system
      ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  2.0,REV=2004.
   BASEDIR:  /
    VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      DESC:  X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
    PSTAMP:  ocelot920508173207
  INSTDATE:  Jun 08 2012 07:18
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:       16 installed pathnames
                   8 shared pathnames
                  10 directories
                   1 executables
                 233 blocks used (approx)

root@teguht #

2. Uninstall Additional Solaris packages required

== Check Status Packages Before Uninstall ==
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi15cs
system      SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support

== Uninstall packages Solaris ==
root@teguht #pkgrm SUNWi15cs

The following package is currently installed:
   SUNWi15cs  X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
              (i386) 2.0,REV=2004.

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y

## Removing installed package instance <SUNWi15cs>
## Verifying package <SUNWi15cs> dependencies in global zone
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class <none>
/usr/openwin/lib/locale <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/openwin/lib <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/openwin <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib/locale <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib <shared pathname not removed>
/usr <shared pathname not removed>
## Updating system information.

Removal of <SUNWi15cs> was successful.
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi15cs
ERROR: information for "SUNWi15cs" was not found
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi1cs
system      SUNWi1cs X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
root@teguht #pkgrm SUNWi1cs

The following package is currently installed:
   SUNWi1cs  X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
             (i386) 2.0,REV=2004.

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y

## Removing installed package instance <SUNWi1cs>
## Verifying package <SUNWi1cs> dependencies in global zone
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class <none>
/usr/openwin/lib/locale <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/openwin/lib <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/openwin <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib/locale/iso_8859_1/LC_CTYPE <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib/locale/iso_8859_1 <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib/locale <shared pathname not removed>
/usr/lib <shared pathname not removed>
/usr <shared pathname not removed>
## Updating system information.

Removal of <SUNWi1cs> was successful.

== Check Status Packages After Uninstall ==
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWi1cs
ERROR: information for "SUNWi1cs" was not found
root@teguht #

3. Install Patch Bundle 10_x86_Recommended.zip

root@teguht #cd /data/
root@teguht #cd solaris-patch/
root@teguht #ls
10_x86_Recommended.zip         install_stb.sh

== Install Management install_stb.sh ==

root@teguht #./install_stb.sh
bash: ./install_stb.sh: Permission denied
root@teguht #chmod 777 install_stb.sh

root@teguht #./install_stb.sh
List of Services Tool Bundle Components:
   Oracle Explorer Data Collector 6.10
   Oracle Serial Number in EEPROM 2.13
   Lightweight Availability Collection Tool 3.3 (LWACT)
   Service Tag (ST) packages
   Oracle Autonomous Crashdump Tool 8.17 (ACT)

Would you like to (I)nstall, (X)tract, or (E)xit ? (I by default)I 

== Unzip Patch 10_x86_Recommended.zip ==

root@teguht #chmod 777 10_x86_Recommended.zip
root@teguht #unzip -q 10_x86_Recommended.zip
warning [10_x86_Recommended.zip]:  76 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
error [10_x86_Recommended.zip]:  reported length of central directory is
  -76 bytes too long (Atari STZip zipfile?  J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1
  zipfile?).  Compensating...
error:  expected central file header signature not found (file #152118).
  (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
  appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
root@teguht #pwd                           

== Install Patch Bundle Recommended ==

root@teguht #cd 10_x86_Recommended
root@teguht #pwd
root@teguht #./installpatchset --s10patchset

Setup ...

Recommended OS Patchset Solaris 10 x86 (2012.05.24)

The patch set will complete installation in this session. No intermediate
reboots are required.

Application of patches started : 2012.06.25 13:01:18

Applying 120901-03 (  1 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121334-04 (  2 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119255-82 (  3 of 332) ... success
Applying 119318-01 (  4 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121297-01 (  5 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138216-01 (  6 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 147062-01 (  7 of 332) ... success
Applying 146956-01 (  8 of 332) ... success
Applying 146055-07 (  9 of 332) ... success
Applying 142252-02 ( 10 of 332) ... success
Applying 125556-12 ( 11 of 332) ... success
Applying 140797-01 ( 12 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 113000-07 ( 13 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 117435-02 ( 14 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 118344-14 ( 15 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 118368-04 ( 16 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 118668-36 ( 17 of 332) ... success
Applying 118669-36 ( 18 of 332) ... success
Applying 118778-14 ( 19 of 332) ... success
Applying 121182-05 ( 20 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121264-01 ( 21 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123840-04 ( 22 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138218-01 ( 23 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 140861-02 ( 24 of 332) ... success
Applying 121454-02 ( 25 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121454-02 ( 26 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121119-19 ( 27 of 332) ... success
Applying 118844-20 ( 28 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 118855-36 ( 29 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 118919-21 ( 30 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119060-59 ( 31 of 332) ... success
Applying 119064-01 ( 32 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119082-25 ( 33 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119116-35 ( 34 of 332) ... success
Applying 119118-52 ( 35 of 332) ... success
Applying 119131-33 ( 36 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119214-26 ( 37 of 332) ... success
Applying 119247-36 ( 38 of 332) ... success
Applying 124629-12 ( 39 of 332) ... success
Applying 119253-32 ( 40 of 332) ... success
Applying 123612-05 ( 41 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119281-25 ( 42 of 332) ... success
Applying 119279-39 ( 43 of 332) ... success
Applying 119283-01 ( 44 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 140900-01 ( 45 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119314-43 ( 46 of 332) ... success
Applying 124189-03 ( 47 of 332) ... success
Applying 119316-19 ( 48 of 332) ... success
Applying 120200-15 ( 49 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119535-29 ( 50 of 332) ... success
Applying 119539-19 ( 51 of 332) ... success
Applying 120100-08 ( 52 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119547-08 ( 53 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119549-14 ( 54 of 332) ... success
Applying 119649-03 ( 55 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120273-33 ( 56 of 332) ... success
Applying 122641-06 ( 57 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 127756-01 ( 58 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125504-02 ( 59 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 124205-05 ( 60 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 122661-08 ( 61 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125548-02 ( 62 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 126424-03 ( 63 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120012-14 ( 64 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 139521-02 ( 65 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119758-22 ( 66 of 332) ... success
Applying 119765-06 ( 67 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119784-21 ( 68 of 332) ... success
Applying 119811-05 ( 69 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120461-20 ( 70 of 332) ... success
Applying 119813-16 ( 71 of 332) ... success
Applying 119901-12 ( 72 of 332) ... success
Applying 119904-02 ( 73 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119907-18 ( 74 of 332) ... success
Applying 119956-04 ( 75 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119964-24 ( 76 of 332) ... success
Applying 119967-01 ( 77 of 332) ... success
Applying 119987-03 ( 78 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120095-30 ( 79 of 332) ... success
Applying 120102-01 ( 80 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120202-06 ( 81 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120236-01 ( 82 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120285-07 ( 83 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 119369-04 ( 84 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120287-03 ( 85 of 332) ... success
Applying 120293-02 ( 86 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120330-02 ( 87 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120349-03 ( 88 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121976-01 ( 89 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120411-33 ( 90 of 332) ... success
Applying 120413-11 ( 91 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120415-27 ( 92 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120536-17 ( 93 of 332) ... success
Applying 120544-28 ( 94 of 332) ... success
Applying 120720-03 ( 95 of 332) ... success
Applying 120733-01 ( 96 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 120740-08 ( 97 of 332) ... success
Applying 120754-09 ( 98 of 332) ... success
Applying 120831-06 ( 99 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121096-03 (100 of 332) ... success
Applying 121212-02 (101 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121300-03 (102 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 121309-20 (103 of 332) ... success
Applying 121429-15 (104 of 332) ... success
Applying 121607-04 (105 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 122213-40 (106 of 332) ... success
Applying 122260-05 (107 of 332) ... success
Applying 122471-03 (108 of 332) ... success
Applying 122655-05 (109 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 122755-01 (110 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 122912-30 (111 of 332) ... success
Applying 123004-04 (112 of 332) ... success
Applying 124187-07 (113 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123631-03 (114 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123006-07 (115 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123407-02 (116 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123527-01 (117 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123591-12 (118 of 332) ... success
Applying 123614-01 (119 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 123896-22 (120 of 332) ... success
Applying 123939-02 (121 of 332) ... success
Applying 124326-01 (122 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 124394-11 (123 of 332) ... success
Applying 124398-02 (124 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 124445-01 (125 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 124458-02 (126 of 332) ... success
Applying 124631-42 (127 of 332) ... success
Applying 124939-04 (128 of 332) ... success
Applying 124998-01 (129 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125076-01 (130 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125138-33 (131 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125139-33 (132 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125216-04 (133 of 332) ... success
Applying 125280-05 (134 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125333-23 (135 of 332) ... success
Applying 125534-15 (136 of 332) ... success
Applying 125671-04 (137 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125720-52 (138 of 332) ... success
Applying 125726-02 (139 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 125732-06 (140 of 332) ... success
Applying 125907-01 (141 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 126207-09 (142 of 332) ... success
Applying 126364-08 (143 of 332) ... success
Applying 126366-16 (144 of 332) ... success
Applying 126426-01 (145 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 126441-01 (146 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 126869-05 (147 of 332) ... success
Applying 127128-11 (148 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 127725-02 (149 of 332) ... success
Applying 127764-01 (150 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 128293-01 (151 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 128311-01 (152 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 128333-01 (153 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 128339-01 (154 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 128412-01 (155 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 136715-01 (156 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 136883-02 (157 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 136999-10 (158 of 332) ... success
Applying 137001-08 (159 of 332) ... success
Applying 137005-09 (160 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137033-01 (161 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137081-06 (162 of 332) ... success
Applying 137094-01 (163 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137098-01 (164 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137103-01 (165 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137116-01 (166 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138867-02 (167 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138884-01 (168 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137138-09 (169 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137148-06 (170 of 332) ... success
Applying 137283-01 (171 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 137322-02 (172 of 332) ... success
Applying 137872-02 (173 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138088-01 (174 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138097-02 (175 of 332) ... success
Applying 138182-01 (176 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138194-04 (177 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138246-01 (178 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138248-01 (179 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138266-01 (180 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138362-01 (181 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 141017-01 (182 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 139556-08 (183 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 142293-01 (184 of 332) ... success
Applying 141445-09 (185 of 332) ... success
Applying 142912-01 (186 of 332) ... success
Applying 142934-04 (187 of 332) ... success
Applying 142910-17 (188 of 332) ... success
Applying 138624-04 (189 of 332) ... success
Applying 138633-01 (190 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138648-01 (191 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138650-01 (192 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138767-01 (193 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138823-09 (194 of 332) ... success
Applying 138825-09 (195 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138827-09 (196 of 332) ... success
Applying 138853-01 (197 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138855-01 (198 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138877-01 (199 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 138883-01 (200 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 139100-04 (201 of 332) ... success
Applying 139290-02 (202 of 332) ... success
Applying 139292-02 (203 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 139603-01 (204 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 139616-01 (205 of 332) ... success
Applying 139621-01 (206 of 332) ... success
Applying 139997-03 (207 of 332) ... success
Applying 140102-01 (208 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 140160-03 (209 of 332) ... success
Applying 140456-01 (210 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 140787-03 (211 of 332) ... success
Applying 140913-01 (212 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 140965-02 (213 of 332) ... success
Applying 141033-01 (214 of 332) ... success
Applying 141105-04 (215 of 332) ... success
Applying 141497-01 (216 of 332) ... success
Applying 141533-04 (217 of 332) ... success
Applying 141549-01 (218 of 332) ... success
Applying 141559-01 (219 of 332) ... success
Applying 141587-01 (220 of 332) ... success
Applying 141873-01 (221 of 332) ... success
Applying 141897-01 (222 of 332) ... success
Applying 141901-01 (223 of 332) ... success
Applying 142050-01 (224 of 332) ... success
Applying 142059-01 (225 of 332) ... success
Applying 142089-02 (226 of 332) ... success
Applying 142235-01 (227 of 332) ... success
Applying 142241-01 (228 of 332) ... success
Applying 142248-01 (229 of 332) ... success
Applying 142341-02 (230 of 332) ... success
Applying 142395-01 (231 of 332) ... success
Applying 142398-01 (232 of 332) ... success
Applying 142429-02 (233 of 332) ... success
Applying 142431-01 (234 of 332) ... success
Applying 142530-01 (235 of 332) ... success
Applying 142544-01 (236 of 332) ... success
Applying 143126-02 (237 of 332) ... success
Applying 143318-03 (238 of 332) ... success
Applying 143503-01 (239 of 332) ... success
Applying 143507-05 (240 of 332) ... success
Applying 143511-01 (241 of 332) ... success
Applying 143514-02 (242 of 332) ... success
Applying 143610-03 (243 of 332) ... success
Applying 143616-02 (244 of 332) ... success
Applying 144527-02 (245 of 332) ... success
Applying 144501-19 (246 of 332) ... success
Applying 143644-04 (247 of 332) ... success
Applying 143646-16 (248 of 332) ... success
Applying 143726-01 (249 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 143728-01 (250 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 143732-01 (251 of 332) ... success
Applying 143734-01 (252 of 332) ... success
Applying 143740-01 (253 of 332) ... success
Applying 143913-01 (254 of 332) ... success
Applying 143955-04 (255 of 332) ... success
Applying 144048-01 (256 of 332) ... success
Applying 144107-01 (257 of 332) ... success
Applying 144189-02 (258 of 332) ... success
Applying 144191-03 (259 of 332) ... success
Applying 144326-01 (260 of 332) ... success
Applying 144328-02 (261 of 332) ... success
Applying 144456-01 (262 of 332) ... success
Applying 144461-02 (263 of 332) ... success
Applying 144487-05 (264 of 332) ... success
Applying 144493-01 (265 of 332) ... success
Applying 144557-03 (266 of 332) ... success
Applying 144570-01 (267 of 332) ... success
Applying 144751-01 (268 of 332) ... success
Applying 144892-02 (269 of 332) ... success
Applying 144896-02 (270 of 332) ... success
Applying 144910-03 (271 of 332) ... success
Applying 144912-02 (272 of 332) ... success
Applying 145007-02 (273 of 332) ... success
Applying 145020-01 (274 of 332) ... success
Applying 147218-02 (275 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 145081-06 (276 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 145097-03 (277 of 332) ... success
Applying 145121-01 (278 of 332) ... success
Applying 145199-01 (279 of 332) ... success
Applying 145201-09 (280 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 145900-08 (281 of 332) ... success
Applying 145930-05 (282 of 332) ... success
Applying 145954-06 (283 of 332) ... success
Applying 145958-06 (284 of 332) ... success
Applying 146033-03 (285 of 332) ... success
Applying 146335-01 (286 of 332) ... success
Applying 146471-06 (287 of 332) ... success
Applying 146490-05 (288 of 332) ... success
Applying 146577-01 (289 of 332) ... success
Applying 146667-04 (290 of 332) ... success
Applying 146672-06 (291 of 332) ... success
Applying 146674-01 (292 of 332) ... success
Applying 146680-01 (293 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 146682-02 (294 of 332) ... success
Applying 146684-01 (295 of 332) ... success
Applying 146955-03 (296 of 332) ... success
Applying 147154-01 (297 of 332) ... success
Applying 147156-01 (298 of 332) ... success
Applying 147160-01 (299 of 332) ... success
Applying 147162-04 (300 of 332) ... success
Applying 147228-01 (301 of 332) ... success
Applying 147267-05 (302 of 332) ... success
Applying 147271-01 (303 of 332) ... success
Applying 147274-01 (304 of 332) ... success
Applying 147379-01 (305 of 332) ... success
Applying 147435-01 (306 of 332) ... success
Applying 147441-15 (307 of 332) ... success
Applying 147674-03 (308 of 332) ... success
Applying 147694-01 (309 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 147695-01 (310 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 147702-01 (311 of 332) ... success
Applying 147706-02 (312 of 332) ... success
Applying 147716-02 (313 of 332) ... success
Applying 147989-01 (314 of 332) ... success
Applying 147993-01 (315 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 148003-01 (316 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 148005-01 (317 of 332) ... skipped
Applying 148007-01 (318 of 332) ... success
Applying 148064-01 (319 of 332) ... success
Applying 148066-02 (320 of 332) ... success
Applying 148136-01 (321 of 332) ... success
Applying 148166-02 (322 of 332) ... success
Applying 148170-02 (323 of 332) ... success
Applying 148172-01 (324 of 332) ... success
Applying 148173-02 (325 of 332) ... success
Applying 148404-01 (326 of 332) ... success
Applying 148408-01 (327 of 332) ... success
Applying 148602-01 (328 of 332) ... success
Applying 148626-01 (329 of 332) ... success
Applying 148658-01 (330 of 332) ... success
Applying 148949-01 (331 of 332) ... success
Applying 148955-01 (332 of 332) ... success

Application of patches finished : 2012.06.21 16:10:20

Following patches were applied :
 119255-82     120720-03     138823-09     143616-02     146490-05
 147062-01     120740-08     138827-09     144527-02     146577-01
 146956-01     120754-09     139100-04     144501-19     146667-04
 146055-07     121096-03     139290-02     143644-04     146672-06
 142252-02     121309-20     139616-01     143646-16     146674-01
 125556-12     121429-15     139621-01     143732-01     146682-02
 118668-36     122213-40     139997-03     143734-01     146684-01
 118669-36     122260-05     140160-03     143740-01     146955-03
 118778-14     122471-03     140787-03     143913-01     147154-01
 140861-02     122912-30     140965-02     143955-04     147156-01
 121119-19     123004-04     141033-01     144048-01     147160-01
 119060-59     123591-12     141105-04     144107-01     147162-04
 119116-35     123896-22     141497-01     144189-02     147228-01
 119118-52     123939-02     141533-04     144191-03     147267-05
 119214-26     124394-11     141549-01     144326-01     147271-01
 119247-36     124458-02     141559-01     144328-02     147274-01
 124629-12     124631-42     141587-01     144456-01     147379-01
 119253-32     124939-04     141873-01     144461-02     147435-01
 119281-25     125216-04     141897-01     144487-05     147441-15
 119279-39     125333-23     141901-01     144493-01     147674-03
 119314-43     125534-15     142050-01     144557-03     147702-01
 124189-03     125720-52     142059-01     144570-01     147706-02
 119316-19     125732-06     142089-02     144751-01     147716-02
 119535-29     126207-09     142235-01     144892-02     147989-01
 119539-19     126364-08     142241-01     144896-02     148007-01
 119549-14     126366-16     142248-01     144910-03     148064-01
 120273-33     126869-05     142341-02     144912-02     148066-02
 119758-22     127725-02     142395-01     145007-02     148136-01
 119784-21     136999-10     142398-01     145020-01     148166-02
 120461-20     137001-08     142429-02     145097-03     148170-02
 119813-16     137081-06     142431-01     145121-01     148172-01
 119901-12     137148-06     142530-01     145199-01     148173-02
 119907-18     137322-02     142544-01     145900-08     148404-01
 119964-24     138097-02     143126-02     145930-05     148408-01
 119967-01     142293-01     143318-03     145954-06     148602-01
 120095-30     141445-09     143503-01     145958-06     148626-01
 120287-03     142912-01     143507-05     146033-03     148658-01
 120411-33     142934-04     143511-01     146335-01     148949-01
 120536-17     142910-17     143514-02     146471-06     148955-01
 120544-28     138624-04     143610-03

Following patches were skipped :
 Patches already applied
 120901-03     140900-01     120330-02     125907-01     137872-02
 121334-04     120200-15     120349-03     126426-01     138088-01
 119318-01     120100-08     121976-01     126441-01     138182-01
 121297-01     119547-08     120733-01     127128-11     138246-01
 138216-01     119649-03     120831-06     127764-01     138248-01
 140797-01     122641-06     121300-03     128293-01     138266-01
 113000-07     127756-01     121607-04     128311-01     138362-01
 117435-02     125504-02     122655-05     128333-01     141017-01
 118344-14     125548-02     122755-01     128339-01     139556-08
 118368-04     126424-03     124187-07     128412-01     138633-01
 121264-01     120012-14     123631-03     136715-01     138648-01
 123840-04     139521-02     123006-07     136883-02     138650-01
 138218-01     119765-06     123407-02     137033-01     138767-01
 121454-02     119811-05     123527-01     137094-01     138853-01
 121454-02     119904-02     123614-01     137098-01     138855-01
 118855-36     119956-04     124326-01     137103-01     138877-01
 118919-21     119987-03     124398-02     137116-01     138883-01
 119064-01     120102-01     124445-01     138867-02     139603-01
 119082-25     120202-06     124998-01     138884-01     140102-01
 119131-33     120236-01     125076-01     137138-09     140456-01
 123612-05     120285-07     125280-05     137283-01     140913-01
 119283-01     120293-02     125726-02
 Patches obsoleted by one or more patches already applied
 118844-20     124205-05     122661-08     119369-04
 Patches not applicable to packages on the system
 121182-05     125139-33     139292-02     145081-06     147695-01
 120413-11     125671-04     143726-01     145201-09     147993-01
 120415-27     137005-09     143728-01     146680-01     148003-01
 121212-02     138194-04     147218-02     147694-01     148005-01
 125138-33     138825-09

Installation of patch set complete. PLEASE REBOOT THE SYSTEM.

Install log files written :

== Reboot Machine == 
root@teguht #init 6
Creating boot_archive for /var/run/.patch_root_loopbackmnt
updating /var/run/.patch_root_loopbackmnt/platform/i86pc/boot_archive

4. Check Log
  root@teguht # more /var/sadm/install_data/s10x_rec_patchset_short_2012.06.21_15.01.18.log
  root@teguht # more /var/sadm/install_data/s10x_rec_patchset_verbose_2012.06.21_15.01.18.log
5. Install Patches
root@teguht #pwd
root@teguht #cd /data/
root@teguht #ls
119961-05.zip                                     solaris-patch

== Alternative 1 Install Patches ==

root@teguht #chmod 777 119961-05.zip
root@teguht #unzip -q 119961-05.zip
root@teguht #ls
119961-05                    119961-05.zip                                     solaris-patch
root@teguht #cd 119961-05
root@teguht #ls
LEGAL_LICENSE.TXT  README.119961-05   SUNWsprot          patchinfo

root@teguht #pkgadd -d . SUNWsprot

Processing package instance <SUNWsprot> from </data/119961-05>

Solaris Bundled tools(i386) 5.10,REV=2004.12.18
Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

This appears to be an attempt to install the same architecture and
version of a package which is already installed.  This installation
will attempt to overwrite this package.

## Executing checkinstall script.
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   5 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <SUNWsprot> [y,n,?] y

Installing Solaris Bundled tools as <SUNWsprot>

## Executing preinstall script.
## Installing part 1 of 1.
/usr/lib/amd64/libtdf.so <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/amd64/libxprof.so <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/amd64/libxprof_audit.so <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/libtdf.so <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/libxprof.so <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/libxprof_audit.so <symbolic link>
[ verifying class <none> ]
## Executing postinstall script.

Installation of <SUNWsprot> was successful.

= Reboot Machine =
root@teguht #init 6

== Alternative 2 Install Patches ==
root@teguht #cd /data/
root@teguht #ls
root@teguht #patchadd 119961-05.zip
Validating patches...

Loading patches installed on the system...


Loading patches requested to install.


The following requested patches do not update any packages installed on the system
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.
No Packages from patch  are installed on the system.

No patches to dependency check.
root@teguht #ls
root@teguht #unzip -q 119961-05.zip
root@teguht #ls
119961-05      119961-05.zip
root@teguht #patchadd 119961-05    
Validating patches...

Loading patches installed on the system...


Loading patches requested to install.


Checking patches that you specified for installation.


The following requested patches will not be installed because
they have been made obsolete by other patches already
installed on the system or by patches you have specified for installation.

           0 All packages from patch 119961-05 are patched by higher revision patches.

No patches to install.

root@teguht #ls
119961-05      119961-05.zip
root@teguht #cd 119961-05
root@teguht #ls
LEGAL_LICENSE.TXT  README.119961-05   SUNWsprot          patchinfo
root@teguht #pkginfo SUNWsprot
system      SUNWsprot Solaris Bundled tools
root@teguht #pkgadd -d . SUNWsprot

Processing package instance <SUNWsprot> from </data/119961-05>

Solaris Bundled tools(i386) 5.10,REV=2004.12.18
Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

This appears to be an attempt to install the same architecture and
version of a package which is already installed.  This installation
will attempt to overwrite this package.

## Executing checkinstall script.
PaTcH_MsG 1 Patch number 119961-05 is superceded by the already applied 119961-08.
checkinstall script suspends

Installation of <SUNWsprot> was suspended (administration).
No changes were made to the system.
